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Liquid Steps

Regular price$1,791.00 Sale price
Tax included.

Liquid Steps

Regular price$1,791.00 Sale price
Tax included.

Bernadette Smith


Liquid Steps is a photograph taken above the steps leading into Clovelly Bay, on Sydney’s coast. Using a fast shutter speed the movement of the incoming waves was frozen in time capturing the underlying colours of marine algae and vivid distortions of normally straight metal stairs. These recorded fluid patterns reveal the interconnectedness of human and non-human worlds drawing attention to the natural vitality of water as it interacts with man-made structures. The circle format was chosen to enhance the organic quality of the subject. This is a limited edition of 10 plus artist proof archivally printed onto Chromaluxe aluminium.


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Price includes shipping to major centres within the Artist's country. Please note that additional shipping charges and taxes may apply to remote or international destinations. These will be advised on request, or provided shortly after sale. We will not ship any artwork without your approval of any additional shipping costs.

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