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Planet Protector Spread (110KG Locked Away)

Regular price$15.50 Sale price
Tax included.

Planet Protector Spread (110KG Locked Away)

Regular price$15.50 Sale price
Tax included.

Feed yourself and a friend.  With plant-based meal typically generating 1–3kg of CO₂e emissions or a prime rib exceeding 20kg CO₂e, there's plenty of room for more than one! 

Average yearly city bus commute to work - 10km daily

Return flight Sydney to Melbourne (economy)!

1 Tonne
Average emission of a return-flight economy from Paris to New York

2 Tonnes
Driving an average petrol car 11,500 km

5 Tonnes
Return flight Sydney to London (economy)!

Emissions Allowances regulate big polluters who operate in certain emissions trading schemes.

We endeavour to source our Emissions Allowances from a range of schemes. This certificate is backed by New Zealand government regulated Emissions Allowances (NZUs) held in our vault CEDO. For more information about these allowances see